The St. Hugh Council of the Knights of Columbus is a Catholic Family Fraternal organization dedicated to the service of the St. Hugh Parish, the Church Universal, the Greenbelt community and the families of it's members.
““It is an Order composed of Catholics and instituted for the welfare of Catholic families….Not only in sickness, but when death takes the support of the family away, the Knights of Columbus comes to the relief of the widow and the orphan in a very substantial manner.””
Some of our Activities
Poor Man Supper's after Stations of the Cross
Sponsoring Blood Drives
Greenbelt Labor Day Festival Booth
Decorating the Church
Christmas Toy Drive
40 Days for Life
Family Movie Nights
First Saturday Devotions
Parish Movie Nights
Pancake Breakfasts
Soccer Shoot-out
Fifth Sunday Rosary
Community Thanksgiving Dinner
Fishing Tournament
Drive For Persons With Intellectual Disabilities
Basketball Free-throw contest